All members of the Helena Woodworkers' Guild may submit one or more pieces to our annual exhibit, usually held in late fall in Helena, Montana. The exhibit is a great way to get the word out about your work. We encourage you to present your best and newest work for the exhibit, though this is not required.
There is a fee for each piece submitted. This fee covers most costs of mounting the exhibit. We ask that you give us the details and a digital photo of each piece submitted, including title, materials and price (NFS works are accepted, but we encourage you to put prices even on "sold" pieces, in case a viewer wants to commission a similar piece from you.)
Each year, we have so far, been fortunate to have the eleant gallery space of the Myrna Loy Center for the Arts for our exhibits. Each woodworker must give the Myrna 20% of any work sold during the exhibit month, or commissioned as a result of the exhibit. The Myrna staff fields inquiries during the exhibit (on purchases and/or commissions) and passes them on to the relevant woodworker. It is the responsibility of the individual woodworkers to make sure the Myrna Loy receives their percentage of any work you sell as a direct result of the exhibit.
Part of the exhibit promotion is printing a postcard invitation to the show. All members with a piece in the show may have a handful of the invitations which you can mail to your own family, friends and customers. We will also have these postcards (with our website listing) available at the gallery during the exhibit.
Can I submit a piece to the annual exhibit?
3:18 PM
Labels: benefits of membership, events, exhibits